Kubernetes Multi-Cluster Management — Overview

Today, it’s very common for organizations to run and manage multiple Kubernetes clusters across different cloud providers or infrastructures. As each Kubernetes cluster is a relatively self-contained unit, the upstream community is struggling to research and develop a multi-cluster management solution. That said, Kubernetes Cluster Federation (KubeFed for short) may be a possible approach among others.

The most common use cases of multi-cluster management include service traffic load balancing, development and production isolation, decoupling of data processing and data storage, cross-cloud backup and disaster recovery, flexible allocation of computing resources, low latency access with cross-region services, and vendor lock-in avoidance.

KubeSphere is developed to address multi-cluster and multi-cloud management challenges, including the scenarios mentioned above. It provides users with a unified control plane to distribute applications and its replicas to multiple clusters from public cloud to on-premises environments. KubeSphere also boasts rich observability across multiple clusters including centralized monitoring, logging, events, and auditing logs.


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